Monday, March 31, 2014

Montezuma, Tuzigoot, Camp Verde, and Red Rock

Well in October 2012, Mom and I went to Arizona to visit my Aunt Debbie, Uncle Larry and see some of the beauties that Arizona offers.  Flying in on Saturday, we spent Sunday with my Cousin Allen and his daughter Kayelen in Tuscan, then on Monday Morning, we were off touring Arizona.  We have plans to see the Grand Canyon on Tuesday and Wednesday, so we headed toward Sedona to see Montezuma Castle, Tuzigoot, Camp Verde and Sedona.  What a day.

Arizona Landscape

Arizona Landscape 

No explanation needed


After stopping to get some great pictures of the Arizona landscape, our first stop was Camp Verde, a post Civil War base for those in the nation that were headed to California.  Within Camp Verde, is Fort Verde.  Fort Verde is cute, definitely worth a visit if you are a history person.  Surrounded by the mountains, the Fort is where much of the Southwestern Cavalry got their training.  It is a cut little encampment with several of the original buildings, the garden and the parade grounds. 

Camp Verde Sign

From the Camp Verde Sign

Verde Valley

Fort Verde

Fort Verde

Fort Verde

Parade Grounds

Army Quarters

Officer's Quarters

from the Fort

From the Fort

Fort Verde

Fort Verde

19th Century Outhouse

The Garden

The Fort

Calvary Saddle

Buddy on Saddle

Buddy on Firing Target

Then we were off to Montezuma Castle.  These are ancient ruins in the side of a cliff.  The place is small, with very little parking, so get there early, or be prepared to drive around the parking lot.  The walk out to the ruins is about half a mile, so wear comfortable shoes.  They are incredible.  I cannot see how the people lived in them, but they did.

Welcome Sign

How the Caves were formed

The Cliff Side

The Castle

The Castle

The Castle

The Castle

The moon over the Castle




Water supply


Afterward we headed to Sedona for lunch from the only McDonald's in the nation without a yellow sign.  It is not a Southwest color, so the M is in Teal.  We took our lunch to Red Rock State Park, then headed on a tour of the beautiful Red Rock Formations.

Red Rocks

More Red Rocks

The Engine

The Bell


The Engine

Small Rock

McDonald's Teal Sign

McDonald's Teal Sign

Red Rock State Park

Red Rock State Park

Very Scary Sign.

After lunch we headed to Tuzigoot.  This is another area of ruins in Arizona.  These were awesome.  You are allowed to walk around them and view landscape from the roof area.  This is cool, and on a clear day you can see forever (sort of).






Tuzigoot Ruins

Tuzigoot Ruins

Tuzigoot Ruins

Tuzigoot Ruins

Tuzigoot Ruins & Tools

Tuzigoot Ruins

Tuzigoot Ruins

Tuzigoot Ruins

Tuzigoot Ruins & Buddy

View from the Roof

View from the Roof

View from the Roof

After a long day of touring, we headed back to Phoenix for dinner and to rest up for our two day outing to the Grand Canyon.  But don't expect that to be the next blog.  On the way to the Grand Canyon, we stopped at Sunset Crater and Wupatki Parks.  Until then always be safe and remember to have safe travels, enjoy life and get you bucket list checked off.