OK, like I said when I started this blog. I was going to try to catch you all up on some of the ventures I have taken over the last 2 years, while intermingling the current fun and excitement. So looking back over the two years, I have been to or gotten 32 stamps for my NPS Passport. But don't fret, I have visited other places also, and will give them a shout out.
In May 2012, I have the privilege of being able to spend a week in Dayton, OH for a convention. While in Dayton, I could some of the historical sites the city has to offer. Mom and I started our touring at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. If you are ever in Dayton, I highly recommend this tour. It is huge. An Air Force Hanger (or Hangers) turned into a museum. Take a couple days to tour, it is well worth it. It is on Wright Patterson AFB, so you will need to heed Air Force rules, but is readily accessible to the public. I am including a couple of my favorite pictures from inside (and outside) the museum.
Front View of a B52 Bomber |
WWI Spad IV flown by American Escadrille |
A Jet outside the Museum |
Once you have toured the Museum, check out the Aviation Heritage National Historical Park. It covers not only the Wright Brothers, their cycle shop, Huffman Prairie Flying Field, the Paul Laurence Dunbar Home, Hawthorn Hill and the Aviation Center. I will take time to check in at all these place, but they are well worth it. Dayton also had a program going on with Stuffed Aviation Bears. If you got a stamp at a certain amount of places in the Dayton Area, you could get a Bear.
The park also has a Dial and Discover program for touring with you Cell Phone (this is very popular at National Parks now).
I highly recommend the Huffman Prairie Flying Field, the Wright Dunbar Visitor Center (next to the Cycle shop) and the Aviation Center. All were very entertaining and educational. They had interactive displays for both the children and adults. The brothers may have taken flight in Kitty Hawk, but the dreams and ideas of flying took flight in Dayton. It is a wonderful place to visit, but I don't recommend making a day trip. You will never see it all. If you live close (within a couple hours) take a few weekends to get it all visited.) Just as above, here are some of my favorite pictures from the day of touring with Mom, Lori P and our friend Acey.
The Wright Cycle Co. |
Scale model of the Wright Flyer |
Hoffman Prairie Flying Field |
An O & W Cycle |
While in Dayton, I also recommend, especially if you like seafood, @Jay'sSeafood (http://www.jays.com/). It was wonderful. If you are interested in more information on any of the sites I mentioned above, here are their web addresses: NMUSAF - http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/ and the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Park - http://www.nps.gov/daav/index.htm.
I am not getting anything from this blog and posting these addresses, this is strictly my opinion. I hope you enjoy. Until next time, safe travels, enjoy life and get you bucket list checked off.
Lori Anna
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